
Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Monday!

Long time, no blog. ;)

First things first: I won a giveaway! I won a book called "Sewing for Boys" from Dana at made. You should definitely go check her out (if you haven't already), she's brilliant and has some of the easiest to follow (awesome) patterns and tutorials! I am so excited to get started with more sewing! I'll post final results here, so be on the lookout.

Second: I love co-sleeping. No, really, I do. I have had so many people tell me that I should just let him cry so he'll sleep in his own bed or give me a pitying look when I tell them that Liam doesn't sleep through the night. However, I truly feel blessed to have him wake up and want to be next to me. I love that I can calm him and that I can fulfill all of his needs. Last night, Adam and I were headed to bed and Liam started to whimper. Adam went to him and brought him to our bed. He immediately latched on and filled his belly. Then my sweet boy rolled to his back and fell asleep...holding Daddy's hand and being cuddled by Mommy. I fell asleep so incredibly grateful for my boys.

I really want to post about my attachment parenting beliefs...but that will have to wait for another day. I just wanted to address that since I have received so many negative comments with regards to sleep. The way I see it is this: we both get more sleep with him in my bed, so why not? :)

Work is going well. I enjoy working at a credit union, despite missing being a stay at home mom. I am really working towards my goals of nursing school and am hoping to get my pre-reqs done this spring.

I guess that's all for now. One of these days I'll get some new pictures uploaded and maybe even post more regularly! For now, though, most of my free time goes to my boys. :) Good night, ya'll!

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